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Stage de Satsang
5 août 2018 - 11 août 2018
There is a notion that we left paradise a long time ago. But this secret garden was the Heart, always here, just waiting for our return – Pamela –
In Sanskrit sat means truth and the sangha is the group of lovers of Truth.
So satsang is literally a truth-gathering – an informal get-together of people to sit with the truth of their being, and occasionally, talk about it.
It’s also like a sacrificial pit, or a recycling center. Things no longer required, if brought with sincerity – any suffering or confusion, identification or separation or old containers no longer needed – are left behind.
As Pamela has put it: Satsang is a gathering of mountains to discuss their mountain nature.
Most satsangs are held in the evenings and last a couple of hours. Weekend retreats consist of two sessions per day.
Prix : Contacter Anna +33 (0)6 73 32 51 99 or blanc3010(arobase)gmail.com